This is who we are

Marc Girard Bass / Keyboard
Listening to those bands made him aware of music esthetics and audio production which he later studied. Marc has worked with known artists such as Paul McCartney, Simple Plan, Benoit Jutras, Jim Corcoran, Michel Rivard and many others.

Matt Grou Drums / Vocals
Singing Geddy Lee's part is somewhat of an accident (for the vocal tone) and years of singing along with the songs when he wasn't playing them on the drums. Now he gets to do both! Mathieu's current musical landscape includes Decadawn, an original melodic metal band and Dance Into The Light, supporting Martin Levac in a musical review of Phil Collins's solo career.

Frank Larouche Guitars
Francois currently teaches guitar, bass, banjo, ukulele and mandolin (over 20000 lessons given!) and has played with numerous acts such as Dance Into the Light (Phil Collins), Renegades of Funk (RATM), Brooke Miller and Don Ross.